WinUtilities Process Security

WinUtilities Process Security is a lightweight program that allows you to get more detailed information about active processes from Microsoft, the network and third parties.

Elegant and comprehensive interface



The utility has an elegant, user-friendly and extensive interface that displays the details of the use of various resources and active processes.

Like in Task Manager, WinUtilities Process Security lets you can preview the process name, priority and ID. However, the utility also includes additional data such as location, parental process ID, threats, and can generate a process report that you can save as htm.

A useful tool for beginners

The strength of this program is that it allows you to search the Internet for more information about a particular process or third-party application. So if you are not sure if you need to complete the process, you can just look for it.

It should be noted that WinUtilities Process Security displays a number of details about third-party applications such as language codes, creation dates, original file names, and special builds. This data can be useful if you suspect that a recently installed program has hidden components.

You can also leave comments about active processes and their benefits using the comment function.

Adds to Task Manager’s work

Although the application displays information about memory usage, CPU usage and page files, it does not allow for measurements.

Not only does Task Manager provide more information about the above resources, but you can also close processes that consume too much memory or overload the Open Resource Monitor processor if you are using newer versions of Windows.

A decent monitoring service

WinUtilities Process Security is a globally compliant utility that allows you to learn more about installed programs and their hidden components.




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