Fix: DCOM Sever Process Launcher High Usage

The DCOM Server Process Launcher (dcomsvc.exe) is a Windows component used to launch other programs or services. This program consumes significant system resources such as memory and processor cycles. When it runs out of resources, it slows down the performance of your PC. If you are experiencing slow performance due to dcomsvc.exe, here are some steps you can take to fix the problem.

1. Close all running programs and open Task Manager.

2. Click on the “Processes” tab.

3. Right-click on the dcomsvc.exefile and select “End task”.

4. Restart your computer.

5. Open Task Manager again and check whether dcomsvc. exe is still listed under the “Running” column. If it is no longer present, try restarting your computer once again.

6. If the above method does not work, follow the instructions given below.

Processor and memory resources are heavily utilized during the service host’s DCOM server process

A Windows 10 Insider build is causing some PCs to slow down dramatically due to a bug in Microsoft Edge. If you’re experiencing issues with Edge, here are some tips to improve performance.

Edge is known for being very resource intensive, especially on older devices. You might notice that your PC starts lagging while browsing the web or opening files. This issue occurs because Edge uses a lot of resources. To fix it, we recommend disabling Live Tiles, turning off the “Use best performance mode,” and uninstalling third party extensions.

If you want to use the “Best Performance Mode,” open the task manager and find the “Microsoft Edge – Service Host: DCOM Server Process Launcher” process. Right-click it and choose “End Task.”

You can also uninstall third-party extensions like Pocket or LastPass. These add extra bloatware to your computer and cause Edge to run slower.

The problem seems to occur most often on laptops, but it can happen on desktops too. We’ve seen reports of people having problems even on newer hardware.

We’ll update this article once we know what caused this issue and how to prevent it happening again. In the meantime, let us know if you experience similar issues.

What occurs when I terminate the DcomLaunch service?

Many Windows applications rely on COM, DCOM, or ActiveX controls. Stopping Dcomlaunch could cause many problems. There is no way to prevent DcomLaunch from starting up again. If you do try to stop it, you will likely end up breaking some of those programs. You might even lose data.

There is an option to disable DcomLaunch in the Services Control Panel. This will prevent the service from running, but it won’t actually stop it. You’ll still see the icon in the system tray. To completely disable the service, log off and log back on.

The service will crash if it’s stopped. When the service crashes, it doesn’t restart automatically. You must restart the computer manually.

Logging out is required after you’ve stopped the service. After logging out, you’ll need to log back in to make sure that the changes take effect.

1] Set PC to work at Best performance

The best way to improve system performance is to set it up correctly. This article explains how you can do this easily.

3] Run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool

The Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool is a free utility that allows you to diagnose problems with your computer’s memory. This includes RAM, hard disk space, and even the processor itself. You can use it to check out issues like slow performance, system crashes, and hardware failures.

After running the test, look over the report and see what it says about your PC. If there are any errors, you might want to contact Microsoft Support.

4] Remove external devices

External devices are often overlooked during tech support calls. But they can cause serious problems if they aren’t properly unplugged. Here are some common examples of external devices you might encounter while troubleshooting computer problems.

1] Antenna

2] Bluetooth device

3] Camera

4] Firewall/router

5] Modem

6] Printer

Why is the CPU at 100% usage when no processes are running?

CPU usage is one of those things that you don’t really think about unless it starts affecting your computer performance. But sometimes, even though there are no processes running, the system still uses up all of the resources. This happens because some background tasks run in the background without your knowledge. These tasks use up memory and processor cycles, and they’re often invisible to Windows Task Manager.

The following steps show how to identify and fix the issue:

1. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

2. Click Processes tab.

3. Right-click each process listed under “Background,” and select End Process.

4. Repeat step 3 for every process listed under “Background.”

5. Restart your PC.

What are Windows’ live tiles?

Live tiles are the new way of seeing what’s happening on your computer without having to open any apps or windows. They are available in all Microsoft Windows 10 devices except Windows Phones. You can disable them if needed.

What occurs when I configure my system for optimal performance?

When you set your computer for maximum performance, many different things will happen automatically. Some programs will run faster while others will run slower, and some settings will change. If you are running Windows 10, here’s what you need to know.

You might notice that your computer runs faster when it’s set for high performance mode. You might even see a difference in how long it takes to boot up. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

First off, don’t worry too much about the speed of your PC. Most people won’t notice a difference unless you’re doing something very intensive like editing video footage or playing games. And even then, most people won’t notice a big difference.

Second, don’t think that setting your PC for maximum performance will make everything go wrong. In fact, it probably won’t do anything at all. Your computer will still work just fine.

Third, don’t forget to check out our guide on How To Make A Faster Computer For Maximum Performance. It’ll help you understand why your computer is running slow and how you can fix it.

Is CPU spiking normal?

CPU spikes are common occurrences and shouldn’t be considered abnormal. They’re usually caused by one of many different things, such as network issues, hardware failures, software bugs, etc., and killing processes will solve most problems.



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